Results for 'T. R. Gray'

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  1.  13
    Leontius of Jerusalem: Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae.Patrick T. R. Gray (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Leontius of Jerusalem is considered the most accomplished of the neo-Chalcedonian theologians of the sixth century. He shows himself, in his Testimonies of the Saints, to be an ecumenical theologian attempting to convince Syrian anti-Chalcedonians that their objections to Chalcedon are baseless, since all agree, beneath their antithetical formulae, on a christology of hypostatic union. They are urged to abandon their self-important yet discredited mentor, Severus, and to see that Chalcedon had no secret agenda. Gray's edition of this important (...)
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  2. The trial of Eutyches: a new interpretation.George A. Bevan & T. R. Gray - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):617-657.
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    The trial of Eutyches: A new interpretation.George A. Bevan & Patrick T. R. Gray - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):617-657.
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  4. Conway’s Ontological Objection to Cartesian Dualism.John R. T. Grey - 2017 - Philosophers' Imprint 17:1-19.
    Anne Conway disagrees with substance dualism, the thesis that minds and bodies differ in nature or essence. Instead, she holds that “the distinction between spirit and body is only modal and incremental, not essential and substantial”. Yet several of her arguments against dualism have little force against the Cartesian, since they rely on premises no Cartesian would accept. In this paper, I show that Conway does have at least one powerful objection to substance dualism, drawn from premises that Descartes seems (...)
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    (1 other version)Version.T. Gray & R. C. Seaton - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (9):475-475.
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  6. The Metaphysics of Natural Right in Spinoza.John R. T. Grey - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 10:37-60.
    In the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (TTP), Spinoza argues that an individual’s natural right extends as far as their power. Subsequently, in the Tractatus Politicus (TP), he offers a revised argument for the same conclusion. Here I offer an account of the reasons for the revision. In both arguments, an individual’s natural right derives from God’s natural right. However, the TTP argument hinges on the claim that each individual is part of the whole of nature (totius naturae), and for this reason inherits (...)
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  7. Species and the Good in Anne Conway's Metaethics.John R. T. Grey - 2019 - In Colin Marshall (ed.), Comparative Metaethics: Neglected Perspectives on the Foundations of Morality. London: Routledge. pp. 102-118.
    Anne Conway rejects the view that creatures are essentially members of any natural kind more specific than the kind 'creature'. That is, she rejects essentialism about species membership. This chapter provides an analysis of one of Anne Conway's arguments against such essentialism, which (as I argue) is drawn from metaethical rather than metaphysical premises. In her view, if a creature's species or kind were inscribed in its essence, that essence would constitute a limit on the creature's potential to participate in (...)
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  8. Reason and Knowledge in Spinoza.John R. T. Grey - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos (ed.), Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic. pp. 71-83.
    This chapter investigates Spinoza's conception of reason, focusing on (i) the difference between reason and the imagination, and (ii) the difference between reason and intuitive knowledge. The central interpretive debate this chapter considers is about the scope of rational cognition. Some commentators have argued that it is only possible to have rational cognition of properties that are universally shared, whereas intuitive knowledge may grasp the essences of particular individuals. Another prominent interpretation is that reason differs from intuition only in virtue (...)
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  9. The Nature and Management of Ethical Corporate Identity: A Commentary on Corporate Identity, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.John M. T. Balmer, Kyoko Fukukawa & Edmund R. Gray - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):7-15.
    In this paper we open up the topic of ethical corporate identity: what we believe to be a new, as well as highly salient, field of inquiry for scholarship in ethics and corporate social responsibility. Taking as our starting point Balmer’s (in Balmer and Greyser, 2002) AC2ID test model of corporate identity – a pragmatic tool of identity management – we explore the specificities of an ethical form of corporate identity. We draw key insights from conceptualizations of corporate social responsibility (...)
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  10. Early Modern Philosophy: An Inclusive Introduction with Readings.John R. T. Grey & Jonathan Head (eds.) - 2024 - Bloomsbury.
  11.  47
    Spinoza on Reason by Michael LeBuffe. [REVIEW]John R. T. Grey - 2019 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1:1.
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    Mapping the Interface Between Corporate Identity, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.Kyoko Fukukawa, John M. T. Balmer & Edmund R. Gray - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):1-5.
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  13. Shakespeare's Plays Weren't Written by Him, but by Someone Else of the Same Name an Essay on Intensionality and Frame-Based Knowledge Representation Systems.Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gray A. Clossman & Marsha J. Meredith - 1982 - Indiana University Linguistics Club.
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    Introduction.Mark S. Frankel, Rachel Gray, Gary T. Marks & Barbara Simons - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (3):395-402.
    Editors’ Note: A major goal of Science and Engineering Ethics is to promote discussion of the ethical issues raised by various aspects of science and engineering, both within the pages of this journal and beyond. We are beginning a series of case presentations and discussions in the Educational Forum. We invite readers to respond to the case and accompanying commentaries, and to submit other cases and commentaries for future publication. We look forward to hearing from you. — S. J. Bird, (...)
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  15.  27
    Mind – your head!R. P. Ingvaldsen & H. T. A. Whiting - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):685-686.
    Gray takes an information-processing paradigm as his departure point, invoking a comparator as part of the system. He concludes that consciousness is to be found “in” the comparator but is unable to point to how the comparison takes place. Thus, the comparator turns out not to be an entity arising out of brain research per se, but out of the logic of the paradigm. In this way, Gray both reinvents dualism and remains trapped in the language game of (...)
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    (1 other version)What do Symbols Symbolize?: Platonism.Alan Ross Anderson, A. R. Anderson, B. Baumrin, W. Busse, T. Bynum & R. D. Gray - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):323-323.
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    Leontius of Jerusalem. Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae, ed. and transl. P.T.R. Gray[REVIEW]Carlo Dell 'Osso - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):615-617.
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    On Avesta Š = ÁRT, Ṛ́T, ŌI = AI, and Å̄ = ĀOn Avesta S = ART, RT, OI = AI, and A = A.Louis H. Gray - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (2):101.
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    The World of the New Testament. By T. R. Glover. Pp. 191. Cambridge: University Press, 1931. 6s. [REVIEW]D. H. Gray - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (5):206-207.
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    Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Unity and Diversity Model of Executive Function in Young Adults.Harry R. Smolker, Naomi P. Friedman, John K. Hewitt & Marie T. Banich - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:348450.
    Understanding the neuroanatomical correlates of individual differences in executive function (EF) is integral to a complete characterization of the neural systems supporting cognition. While studies have investigated EF-neuroanatomy relationships in adults, these studies often include samples with wide variation in age, which may mask relationships between neuroanatomy and EF specific to certain neurodevelopmental time points, and such studies often use unreliable single task measures of EF. Here we address both issues. First, we focused on a specific age at which the (...)
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  21.  20
    Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems.Wayne D. Gray (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    The field of cognitive modeling has progressed beyond modeling cognition in the context of simple laboratory tasks and begun to attack the problem of modeling it in more complex, realistic environments, such as those studied by researchers in the field of human factors. The problems that the cognitive modeling community is tackling focus on modeling certain problems of communication and control that arise when integrating with the external environment factors such as implicit and explicit knowledge, emotion, cognition, and the cognitive (...)
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  22.  12
    Stellar Spectral Classification.Richard O. Gray & Christopher J. Corbally - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Written by leading experts in the field, Stellar Spectral Classification is the only book to comprehensively discuss both the foundations and most up-to-date techniques of MK and other spectral classification systems. Definitive and encyclopedic, the book introduces the astrophysics of spectroscopy, reviews the entire field of stellar astronomy, and shows how the well-tested methods of spectral classification are a powerful discovery tool for graduate students and researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics. The book begins with a historical survey, followed by (...)
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  23.  5
    Persona and Paradox: Issues of Identity for C.S. Lewis, His Friends and Associates.Suzanne Bray & William Gray (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Although certain aspects of C.S. Lewis's work have been studied in great detail, others have been comparatively neglected. This collection of essays looks at Lewis's life and work, and those of his friends and associates, from many different angles, but all connected through a common theme of identity. Questions of identity are essential to the understanding of any writer. The ways authors perceive themselves and who they are, the communities they belong to by birth or choice, inevitably influence their work. (...)
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    Don't leave the “un” off “consciousness”.Neal R. Swerdlow - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):699-700.
    Gray extrapolates from circuit models of psychopathology to propose neural substrates for the contents of consciousness. I raise three concerns: knowledge of synaptic arrangements may be inadequate to fully support his model; latent inhibition deficits in schizophrenia, a focus of this and related models, are complex and deserve replication; and this conjecture omits discussion of the neuropsychological basis for the contents of the unconscious.
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    Disparities in Diffuse Cortical White Matter Integrity Between Socioeconomic Groups.Danielle Shaked, Daniel K. Leibel, Leslie I. Katzel, Christos Davatzikos, Rao P. Gullapalli, Stephen L. Seliger, Guray Erus, Michele K. Evans, Alan B. Zonderman & Shari R. Waldstein - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:456976.
    There is a growing literature demonstrating a link between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and poorer neuroanatomical health, such as smaller total and regional gray and white matter volumes, as well as greater white matter lesion volumes. Little is known, however, about the relation between SES and white matter integrity. Here we examined the relation between SES and white matter integrity of the brain’s primary cortical regions, and evaluated potential moderating influences of age and self-identified race. Participants were 192 neurologically (...)
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    Comments on Meynell's Paper: T. R. MILES.T. R. Miles - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (2):155-160.
    The key points in Meynell's argument seem to me to be as follows: It is logically absurd to say of an action or of a state of affairs that it is good unless at least some or other of the qualities w, x, y, z, etc. are present. Similarly it is logically absurd to talk of human flourishing unless some or other specifiable features are present in a person's life. The Heimler questionnaire shows us the sorts of ways in which (...)
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  27. Affect and the resolution of cognitive control dilemmas.R. Gray Jeremy, Tood Alexandre Schaefer, Steven S. Braver & B. Most - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
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    The central philosophy of Buddhism.T. R. V. Murti - 1955 - London,: George Allen and Unwin.
    Originally published in 1955. The Madhyamika philosophy is, in the author's view, the philosophy which created a revolution in Buddhism and through that in the whole range of Indian philosophy. This volume is a study of the Madhyamika philosophy in all its important aspects and is divided into three parts: Historical: this traces the origin and development of the Madhyamika philosophy. The second part concentrates on a full and critical exposition of the Madhyamika philosophy, the structure of its dialectic, its (...)
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  29. Studies in Indian Thought. Collected Papers of Prof. T. R. V. Murti.Harold G. Coward & T. R. V. Murti - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (1):123-124.
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  30.  19
    Objects of Thought.T. R. Baldwin - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (87):174-175.
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    (1 other version)A. V. petrovskij'shistory of soviet psychology.T. R. Payne - 1968 - Studies in East European Thought 8 (2-3):181-187.
  32. An Aspect of Eternal Truth, by T.R.U.E.R. U. E. T. & Aspect - 1910
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  33. (2 other versions)Religion and the Scientific Outlook.T. R. Miles - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):234-234.
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  34.  67
    Are micro-entities picturable?T. R. Girill - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (4):570-574.
  35.  29
    Are requirement and confirmation analogous?T. R. Girill - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 33 (4):339 - 349.
  36.  17
    The Problem of the Consequences of War and How It Is Reflected in the Ideological Struggle.T. R. Kondratkov - 1983 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):45-63.
    The prevention of war and the strengthening of peace are a problem that has troubled the minds of people for many centuries and today has become the most urgent problem of world politics, requiring a resolution that brooks no delay. The risk of war, which decreased somewhat in the middle of the last decade, increased anew at the beginning of the '80s owing to the aggressive circles of imperialism, in particular American imperialism.
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    An Asian Ethic of Compassion.T. R. Raghunath - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:139-156.
    Chidambaram Ramalingam (1823 – 1874) was a nineteenth century Indian-Tamilian poet, mystic, and visionary moral thinker well-known for his seminal contributions to Tamil religious and moral literature. He initiated a new moral and spiritual community and movement, Suddha Sanmargam, or “The Pure Path to True Harmony”, in the nineteenth century in the province of Tamilnadu in Southern India. One of Ramalingam’s texts which laid the philosophical foundation for this community and movement is his great unfinished essay “The Ethic of Compassion (...)
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  38. Goals, plans, and actions in storytelling to pictures.T. R. Trabasso, M. Nickels & M. P. Munger - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):528-528.
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  39. Spatial-learning in the pigeon-an operant analog of the radial-arm Maze.T. R. Zentall, J. N. Steirn & P. Jacksonsmith - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):341-341.
  40.  14
    Approximative Explanation.T. R. Girill - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:186 - 196.
    This paper develops an explicit, pragmatic solution to the problem of deciding when an explanans which only approximately "covers" a desired event-explanandum E is acceptable as an adequate explanation. It shows in detail how comparisons made by the explanation's audience with the numerical value in E are what determine how closely E must be approximated for success. With the aid of several physics examples, it spells out the principles that govern these explanandum-comparisons, the conditions under which those principles hold, and (...)
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  41.  28
    The logic of scientific puzzles.T. R. Girill - 1973 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 4 (1):25-40.
    Puzzle-solving, like several other everyday activities, appears in a more sophisticated and ramified form in the realm of natural science. Improving on Thomas Kuhn's rudimentary account of puzzles in science, this paper formulates logical and functional criteria for the occurrence of scientific puzzles, and examines the two-fold nature of their solutions. Then, with the aid of erotetic logic, puzzle-posing questions are identified, their presuppositional relations to scientific theory and explanations are explored, and a new tool for history of science research (...)
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  42.  17
    The Problem of Micro-Explanation.T. R. Girill - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:47-55.
    There seem to exist special conditions unique to those scientific explanations which exmploy micro-parts under which alone such explanations are considered intellectually adequate. Two attempts to specify these conditions have been endorsed since antiquity, but serious counter-examples exist for each one. This paper contends that only in certain circumstances may each of the traditional criteria of adequacy be regarded as acceptable, identifies these circumstances, and examines the consequences of adopting such a dualistic or contextual solution to the problem of micro-explanation.
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  43. The Jesus of History.T. R. Glover - 1950
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    A Place for Religious Assertions?T. R. Martland - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):45 - 52.
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    Quine's ?half-entities,? and Gadamer's too.T. R. Martland - 1986 - Man and World 19 (4):361-373.
  46.  20
    Random alloy diffusion kinetics for the application to multicomponent alloy systems.T. R. Paul, I. V. Belova & G. E. Murch - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (12):1228-1244.
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    Educational administration.T. R. Bone - 1982 - British Journal of Educational Studies 30 (1):32-42.
  48.  17
    Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Vol. V. Monuments from Dorylaeum and Nacolea.T. R. S. Broughton, C. W. M. Cox & A. Cameron - 1939 - American Journal of Philology 60 (2):265.
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  49.  56
    On Excluding the Supernatural: T. R. MILES.T. R. Miles - 1966 - Religious Studies 1 (2):141-150.
    Various attempts have been made in recent years to present Christianity in such a way that no use is made of the traditional dichotomy between the ‘natural’ and the ‘supernatural’. Braithwaite, Hare, and van Buren, for instance, appear to have no use for the dichotomy; and I think that, without too much distortion, one can say the same of Bultmann, Tillich, and Robinson. I am not, however, concerned in this paper with the work of any one thinker as such, but (...)
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  50.  23
    The concept of philosophy.T. R. V. Murti (ed.) - 1968 - Varanasi,: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University.
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